Fssai Registration / License Price - 1999/- Book Now

Every Food Business Operator (FBO) in the country is required to be licensed / registered under the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). FSSAI is a legal authority that offers a food license to all food business operators (FBO) in India. All the FBOs must follow all the rules and regulations of FSSAI for food quality control. An FBO requires an FSSAI License or Registration all depends upon the parts like the size of production, nature of food business activities and range of operation. In the FSSAI Registration process, the FBO will get 14 digit number that needs to be printed on food packages.

Following are the ways to understand Registration and License process.

Registration of Petty Food Business

Registration is meant for petty food manufacturers having annual turnover up to 12 lacs. Govt fee for registration is Rs. 100/- per annum.

Petty Food Business Operators

Manufactures or sells any kind of food by himself/herself, Petty retailer, hawker, itinerant vendor, temporary stall, Thela, Sweets Shop, Juice Stall etc. e.g Gol gappa stall, fruits/vegetables vendors, snacks stall, Tea Stall, Samosa, Bread pakoda, retail shops, Temporary Food Stalls like Chinese food stall, South Indian food etc.

Temporary or fixed stall or food premise involved in preparation, storage, distribution and sale of food products that can be served as a snacks/ tea/coffee and similar variants.

Hawker - Selling packaged or freshly prepared food by travelling (usually on foot or movable carts) from one location to other

Documents required for Registration Certificate

  1. Photograph of Applicant
  2. Government issued Photo ID such as Aadhaar, PAN, Voter ID etc of Applicant
  3. Proof of Address of Businesses activity (if address is other than as mentioned in Photo ID Card)
  4. License of Food Business

No person shall commence any food business mentioned in Schedule 1 of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011 unless he possesses a valid license. License can be applied for 1 year to 5 years. License is must for following business activities mentioned in Schedule 1. Depending upon the capacity of production / kind of business, license can be applied Central / State wise.

  1. Dairy units including milk chilling units equipped to handle or process more than 50,000 litres of liquid milk/day or 2500 MT of milk solid per annum.
  2. Vegetable oil processing units and units producing vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries including oil expeller unit having installed capacity more than 2 MT per day.
  3. All slaughter houses equipped to slaughter more than 50 large animals or 150 or more small animals including sheep and goats or 1000 or more poultry birds per day.
  4. Meat processing units equipped to handle or process more than 500 kg of meat per day or 150 MT per annum.
  5. All food processing units other than mentioned under (I) to (IV) including relabellers and repackers having installed capacity more than 2 MT/day except grains, cereals and pulses milling units.
  6. 100 % Export Oriented Units
  7. All Importers importing food items including food ingredients and additives for commercial use.
  8. All food business operators manufacturing any article of food containing ingredients or substances or using technologies or processes or combination thereof whose safety has not been established through these regulations or which do not have a history of safe use or food containing ingredients which are being introduced for the first time into the country.
  9. Food Business Operator operating in two or more states.
  10. Food catering services in establishments and units under Central government Agencies like Railways, Air and airport, Seaport, Defence etc.

Documents to be enclosed for new application for license to State/Central Licensing Authority

  1. Form-B duly completed and signed (in duplicate) by the proprietor/ partner or the authorised signatory
  2. Blueprint/layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in metres/square metres and operation-wise area allocation.
  3. List of Directors / Partners with full address and contact details
  4. Name and List of Equipments and Machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horse power used.
  5. Photo I.D and address proof issued by Government authority of Proprietor/Partner/Director(s)/Authorised Signatory
  6. List of food category desired to be manufactured. (In case of manufacturers).
  7. Authority letter with name and address of responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspections, collection of samples, packing & dispatch.
  8. Analysis report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as ingredient in food from a recognized/ public health laboratory to confirm the portability indicating the name of authorized representative of Lab who collected the sample and date of collecting sample
  9. Proof of possession of premises. (Sale deed/ Rent agreement/ Electricity bill, etc.)
  10.  Partnership Deed/Affidavit/Memorandum & Articles of Association towards the constitution of the firm
  11. Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act - 1861/Multi State Coop Act - 2002 in case of Cooperatives.
  12. NOC from manufacturer in case of Re-labellers
  13. Food Safety Management System plan or certificate if any,
  14. Source of milk or procurement plan for milk including location of milk collection centres etc in case of Milk and Milk Products processing units
  15. Source of raw material for meat and meat processing plants
  16. Pesticide residues report of water to be used as ingredient in case of units manufacturing Packaged drinking water, packaged Mineral water and/or carbonated water from a recognised/ public health laboratory indicating the name of authorised representative of Lab who collected the sample and date of collecting sample, including source of raw water and treatment plan.
  17. Recall plan wherever applicable, with details on whom the product is distributed.
  18. NOCs from Municipality or local body and from State Pollution Control Board except in case of notified industrial area

FSSAI Return

Every licensee shall on or before 31st May of each year, submit a return electronically or in physical form as may be prescribed by the concerned Food Safety Commissioner, in Form D-1.

Every licensee engaged in manufacturing of milk and/or milk products shall file half yearly returns for the periods 1st April to 30th September and 1st October to 31st March of every financial year in the Form D-2.

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