Trademark Registration Price - 1999/- + Govt. Fee Extra Book Now

A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks. Trademarks in India are listed by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and give the trademark owner the power to sue for losses when infringements of trademarks happen. Registered trademarks are intellectual property for business, they are used to safeguard the company’s investment in the brand or symbol. Trademarks are necessary to get registrable if it is unique for the products and services you give.
Proposed trademarks that are the same or identical to an existing registered trademark cannot be registered. Moreover, trademarks are not registrable if it is offensive, general, unreliable, not unique, includes specifically protected emblems, etc.
Currently, there are 45 classes of goods and services under which the trademark can be registered. Classes 1-34 are for goods and classes 35-45 are for service. Application for registration of a trademark /collective Marks / Certification Mark / Series of trademark for specification of goods or services are filed in Form TM-A by paying requisite fees.
Once your trademark is approved the registry will give you a trademark registration certificate. This will officially confirm that your trademark has been registered and is now protected. Once a trademark registration process is done, the R symbol can be applied and the registration will become valid for 10 years. Registered trademarks nearing expiry can regularly renew the registration process by filing a trademark renewal application for a time of another 10 years.
Benefits of Trademark Registration

  1. Legal protection: Upon trademark registration, Trademarks are classified as intellectual property and are therefore protected from infringement. Trademark registration also confers an exclusive right to the use of the trademark in relation to the "Class" of goods or service it represents.
  2. Brand recognition: Customers associate a product’s performance, quality, features, and so on with the company making such products. They identify the product generally by the logo, which would be a registered trademark. Trademark registration facilitates brand recognition for your goods and services.
  3. Business valuation: Trademarks registered and associated with your products enhance your overall business value, goodwill and net worth in the industry. Your trademark communicates your quality assurance, distinct features of your products and your organisation's mission. Trademarks contribute to the growth of your business. They help retain loyal customers and protect the goodwill of your business.
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