Digital Signature (DSC) Price - 999/- Book Now

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a physical signature in an electronic format. A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a secure digital key that certifies the identity of the holder, issued by a Certifying Authority (CA). It typically contains your identity (name, email, country, APNIC account name and your public key). Digital Certificates use Public Key Infrastructure meaning data that has been digitally signed or encrypted by a private key can only be decrypted by its corresponding public key. A digital certificate is an electronic "credit card" that establishes your credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web.

Types of Digital Signature Certificates

Class 2 Certificate

As e-filing is made compulsory in Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Registrar of Companies), Goods and Service Tax (GST), Income Tax, Trademark Website, every director / signing authority needs to have their Digital Signature Certificate. It’s now mandatory to obtain Class-2 or Class-2 with PAN Encryption Digital Signature Certificate for any person who is required to sign manual documents and returns filed with ROC as per MCA21 and in GST and Trademark filing. Also an Individual is required to obtain Class-2 DSC with PAN Encryption for e-filing his return with Income Tax, India.

Class 3 Certificate

Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate is the upgraded version of Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate. By Using This Certificate You can Participate/Bid in Any Kind of On-line Tenders/Auction across India. To participate in the e-tendering process, every vendor is required to use a Class 3 Digital Signatures Certificate.

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